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Ma petite soeur va faire le tout du monde... WAHOU!!!! Quelle chance...voilà ce que je pense. C'est mon aventurière préférée, ma petite excentrique tant aimée. Je lui souhaite plein de courage et de réussite dans son périple qui je suis sûre lui apportera...

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BEN, 29 ans My cool roommate I have never met anyone with her drive and ambition. She will leave a trail of friends and memories wherever her adventures take her, and our personal circle of friends is richer for having included her. She’s tough enough...

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To my Sandra… Over two years ago I picked up a beautiful girl at the airport… time has passed by and now I can say that she is my friend, one of the best co-workers I ever had and still as beautiful as the first day She ask me to write a few lines about...

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Andre, 40 ans, Lac st Jean, QUEBEC Le Super défit de Sandra en quelques mots! ! ! Je connais Sandra depuis plus de deux ans maintenant par contre ça me semble comme hier (ma meilleure amie de toute la France et même du monde entier). Je l’admire beaucoup...

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‘’ MY WAY ‘’ During everyone life time, they meet and become friends with many people. Meeting Sandra Septier, from France was not only interesting for me, but with in one week, I could see Sandra + I had a lot in common. Even though Sandra is less than...

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